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Honey market in Belarus

Few people know that Belarus is very famous not for its agricultural and industrial products or for its foodstuffs, but for the field of beekeeping


Belarus exports honey to various foreign countries, including

- Russia 

- Japan 

- Qatar 

- And also some European countries 



In addition, bilateral negotiations on the export of Belarusian honey to China are currently being conducted


The approximate price per kilogram of Belarusian honey ranges from 3 dollars depending on the type of honey 

Sweet, right?

The most famous Belarusian honey companies


The most famous natural honey store in Belarus in general is considered to be

The interesting incident

This company has a very large experience in exporting honey to foreign countries

To take note, they previously exported Belarusian honey to Iraq and Libya

Honey family

The thing that indicates that this company is an expert in the field of beekeeping

It is her participation in the International Honey exhibition, which was held in the state of Qatar, where this company ranked first